Editing Preferences

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Editing Preferences

The "Editing" tab is accessed by selecting Sequencer Preferences from the Light-O-Rama S5 Sequencer's Tools menu. From here you can control the:


Double-click method

Cursor style when editing

Drag effect edges default


Sequencer Preferences - Editing Tab

Sequencer Preferences - Editing Tab


Double-Click Method


You can double-click on any effect on the sequence grid in order to modify it. There are 2 choices for making the double-click:


Double-click with no extra keys. This is the easiest to use and the easiest to remember.

Ctrl-Shift double-click. This requires holding the Ctrl and Shift keys down when you double-click. This is obviously a little more work, but the program is slightly more responsive in this mode. It should only be needed by users who do a lot of clicking very quickly.


When using the first option, make sure the "mouse double-click speed" value is set properly in Windows (you don't want it too slow). In Windows 10, open the Mouse Settings screen, then click on "Additional mouse options".


Windows 10 Mouse Settings

Windows 10 Mouse Settings


The double-click speed setting

The double-click speed setting



Cursor Style When Editing


From here you can customize the cursor that is displayed when:


drawing light strings in Preview Design

creating effects in the sequence grid -- when the toolbar "Select Action" is anything other than Select.


You have your choice of:


Yellow pencil (default). Some users say the black tip of the pencil makes the exact location of the cursor hard to determine. Therefore, you can also choose...

White pencil, or

Up Arrow. This cursor is built into Windows. So if you have custom cursors loaded onto your system, the arrow may look slightly different than what is shown in the dialog.


The intent is that the Sequencer uses the default Windows arrow cursor for selection and a different cursor when drawing.



Drag Effect Edges Default


This option allows the Drag Effect Edges tool to be enabled by default when a sequence is opened.