49: Intensity file uses undefined comm network

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Message Number: 49

Severity: Warning

Summary: Intensity file uses undefined comm network

Details #1: The sequence whose intensity file uses the undefined comm network

Details #2: The intensity file using the undefined comm network

Details #3: The undefined comm network being used


One of your sequences uses an intensity file which attempts to control lights on a comm network that has not been defined.  For example, perhaps it attempts to use the LOR Aux A network, but you have not set up the LOR Aux A network to use any particular COM port.  In this case, your sequence will play, but the lights that attempt to use the undefined network will not be controlled.


How to fix this issue depends upon the particulars of the situation.  Perhaps the comm network used by the intensity file is mistaken, in which case the intensity file should be modified to use the correct network.  Or perhaps the correct comm network is being used, but that comm network has not been set up via the Light-O-Rama Network Preferences program.


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