The File Menu

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The Light-O-Rama Sequence Editor's File menu has menu items related to things like creating, opening, and saving sequences.


Several of these menu items operate on the "currently selected sequence".  Many sequences can be open simultaneously in the Sequence Editor, but only one is the currently selected sequence.  It is distinguished by its bright blue title bar (as opposed to the pale blue title bar of unselected sequences).  To select a sequence, simply click on its window.


Open Recent
Close All Files
Close All Files Except This
Revert to Saved
Save As
Export as Protected



The Sequence Editor's File menu




Selecting "New" on the Sequence Editor's File menu opens the New and Open dialog, on its "New Sequence" tab, which gives a choice between creating a new animation sequence or a new musical sequence.


"New" has a keyboard hotkey: Ctrl-N.




Selecting "Open" on the Sequence Editor's File menu opens the New and Open dialog, on its "Existing Sequence" tab, which lets you open an existing sequence using a file browser similar to Windows Explorer.


"Open" has a keyboard hotkey: Ctrl-O.


Open Recent


Selecting "Open Recent" on the Sequence Editor's File menu opens the New and Open dialog, on its "Recent Sequence" tab, which lets you open by selecting it from a list of the most recently opened sequences.


"Open Recent" has a keyboard hotkey: Ctrl-R.




Selecting "Close" from the Sequence Editor's File menu closes the currently selected sequence.


If the sequence has unsaved changes, you will be prompted on whether you wish to save the changes or not; if the sequence has never been saved before, and you choose to save it, you will also be prompted to select a filename for the new sequence.


Close All Files


Selecting "Close All Files" from the Sequence Editor's File menu closes all open sequences.


If any of the sequences have unsaved changes, you will be prompted on whether you wish to save them or not; if any of the sequences have never been saved before, and you choose to save them, you will also be prompted to select filenames for the new sequences.


Close All Files Except This


Selecting "Close All Files Except This" from the Sequence Editor's File menu closes all open sequences except the currently selected sequence.


If any of the the sequences being closed have unsaved changes, you will be prompted on whether you wish to save the changes or not; if a sequence being closed has never been saved before, and you choose to save it, you will also be prompted to select a filename for the new sequence.


Revert to Saved


Selecting "Revert to Saved" from the Sequence Editor's File menu reloads the currently selected sequence from its last save.  Any changes made to the sequence since the last save will be lost.




Selecting "Save" from the Sequence Editor's File menu saves the changes that you have made to the currently  selected sequence.  If the sequence was newly created and has never been saved before, Save will also prompt you for a filename to use for the new sequence.


Save has a keyboard hotkey: Ctrl-S.


Save As


Selecting "Save As" from the Sequence Editor's File menu saves the current sequence to a new filename.  The old file will still exist, but will not include any of the changes that you made to the sequence since the last time that you saved it.


Export as Protected


Selecting "Export as Protected" from the Sequence Editor's File menu can be used to create a protected sequence based upon the current sequence.




Selecting "Exit" from the Sequence Editor's File menu closes the Sequence Editor.  If any currently open sequences have changes that have not yet been saved, you will be prompted for whether or not you want to save them.