The Misc Tab

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The Misc tab of the Simple mode of the Light-O-Rama Network Preferences program enables you to configure a Dasher network and/or an X10 network, along with general communications options.  Most Light-O-Rama users will not have need for this tab.



The Misc tab


X10 Port


No longer used.


Dasher Port


No longer used.


List Networks in Channel Configuration


No longer used.


Use Compatibility Mode for Old MC-P Channel Controllers


If you are using Light-O-Rama MC-P controllers purchased prior to November 15, 2003, they you should enable Old MC-P compatibility mode by checking this box.  If you do not check this box, then you will see odd behavior on circuits 9 through 16 of such controllers.


Old MC-P compatibility mode only affects controllers on the Regular LOR network; those on Aux networks are unaffected.  Therefore, make sure to put all such controllers on your Regular network.


NOTE: Enabling Old MC-P compatibility mode may have a significant effect on communications speed for the regular network.  It is therefore strongly recommended that you do not enable it without reason, and that if you do enable it, you should consider moving any other Light-O-Rama controllers (which do not need Old MC-P compatibility mode) off of the Regular network, and onto one or more auxiliary networks.