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You can play back your sequence in the Pixel Editor:


Calculating Preview

Sequence Playback

Playback Specific Prop

Preview Location


Calculating Preview


When opening your sequence, the simulated preview is calculated in memory, which can take some time. A spinner will be displayed and the play buttons disabled until the calculations are complete:




Once complete, a green checkmark is displayed next to the preview name. Any subsequent changes to the sequence will cause the preview for the affected props to be recalculated; the play buttons will again be temporarily disabled until the recalculation is complete.




Sequence Playback


You can play back your sequence several ways:


PlayFull Play the full sequence

PlayCurrentToEnd Play from the current location to the end of the sequence

PlayBeginningtoCurrent Play from the beginning of the sequence to the current location

PlayVisible Play the visible portion of the sequence


Playback Specific Prop


You can also play back a specific prop. To do this, right-click on a prop name and select one of the choices from the pop-up menu. As a shortcut, you can double-click on a prop name to play the visible portion of the sequence. Double-click again if you want to stop prematurely. In this mode, the selected prop will play back in the upper-right window.


Preview Location


In any of these playback modes, you can choose where the simulated preview is shown. Choose from one of the following 3 options by selecting Tools > Preview Playback from the menu:


The preview can be hidden entirely.

The preview can be displayed in the left window on the main screen (default).

The preview can be displayed in a separate window.